Thursday, October 22, 2009

Catch Up

We are in Grahamstown at the HEFMA conference and have thoroughly enjoyed our time here. Our hosts have looked after us exceptionally well and we have eaten far too much for our own good. the South Africans have a fixation with meat to them it isn't a meal without at least three types of meat, I do not think that I have eaten so much meat ever!!!!!

We have had a busy time since our last post and we have continued to struggle find either an Internet cafe or the time to up date the blog. Once again because of technical difficulties we will have to upload photo's later.

Our drive up the coast from Capetown through Stellenbosch, Franchoek, Mossel Bay, Knysna, Addo and final Grahamstown was magnificent and vitrually trouble free apart from a minor issue with petrol (I forgot to fill the car up but more of that later). We have seen so much in terms of wildlife, people and the sights of the Eastern Cape. It is hard to pick a highlight of this part the trip but it would have to be a toss up between the Cheetah at Knysna and the eleplhant herds at Addo.

We leave here tomorrow at lunchtime (Friday 12:35pm) and should be home on Sunday at 0930.

I will update this later!

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