Monday, October 5, 2009

The Travel

We arrived in Perth after a long and delayed fight from Dunedin via Auckland (we were delayed in Auckland for about 3 hours because of a bird strike to our plane). Our time in Perth was great catching up with family and spending some quality time relaxing as seen by the photo of Deidre and Andrea in her spa.

We left Perth slightly late because of computer problems at Perth Airport and finally arrived in Africa after long flight. We were both able to sleep on the flight (5-7 hours sleep) which was great. The O T Tambo Airport (old Jo'burg International) is brand spanking new, very big and very impressive and nowhere near as dangerous and confusing as we were lead to believe it would be. The passage through customs was interesting and none of our hand luggage was checked. All the people we met at the airport were friendly and helpful.

After a 3 hour lay over we caught a small plane (40 seat Dash 8) to Hoedspruit. We were bused out to the plane from the terminal. The bus was full of people on their way to Game Lodges and the size of the plane caused much comment amongst our fellow travellers especially as the bus pulled up alongside there were 3 guys changing the front wheel. Not a good first impression!

South African Airways service was good and the staff were generally friendly and helpful.
Hoedspruit or Eastgate airfield as it is called is huge as it double as an operational airforce base so our little plane landed on this really long runway and then had to taxi for almost 10 minutes to the terminal. We stepped off the plane into the warmth and the smells and knew we were truly in Africa.

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