Friday, October 9, 2009

The Train Trip

Hi all
Yesterday the 8-9th of October we got on the train bound for Capetown. It was called the Premier Class train and wow were we treated like royalty. We started with a glass of bubbly and nibbles in the lounge car. We relaxed in our cabin and watched Jo'burg and the surrounding area pass by.
Dinner at night was a 4 course meal. When we got back to our cabin our seats were now 2 beds. The next day we had a full breakfast, morning tea and once again a 4 course lunch and the food just keeps coming. We arrive in Jo'burg as 2 blimps and we don't want to see any more food . What a great trip. The scenery and the relaxation that went with it were superb.

Today we are waiting for our pick up to go on a shark dive. It is a lot colder in Capetown. It was always hot in Jo'burg and it averaged between 22 and 29 degrees.

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